Did you know that student accommodation is typically more than half the monthly cost of living for Students in Sheffield?
Certainly, your student house or student property rental is highly likely to be your biggest single expense by a long way, even though Sheffield has a much lower student housing cost than other cities like London, where the weekly rent can be in excess of £1000 for a small student property or studio.
We know that budgeting for life as a student is like trying to conquer Everest after a half-day crash course in mountaineering. You've landed in the deep end and that Student Loan allowance just seems to disappear into nowhere, and before you know it you are floundering with racking up credit card bills.
At Claypenny, we care about our students, which is why we decided to show the average expenses for students in a pie chart to see how you could cut or manage your costs better.
Sheffield Student Accommodation Costs Pie Chart
*this chart provides very approximate estimates as individuals may vary. For more detailed information on each of the costs, see this article on the Which University magazine website.
How To Reduce Your Student Living Expenses in Sheffield
Of course, if you are non-drinker or smoker, you are off to a good start, as that slice will disappear. Naturally, holiday flights away are a bit out of the question on campus, but if you can save a small chunk towards the end of term, you won’t find yourself stuck at home while your mates are away.
You can reduce your energy bills by using an energy switch line. It’s free to use and can almost always make you savings, and if you can manage with a 3-minute shower instead of a deep bath soak, you will keep water use to a minimum.
Low-Cost Student Accommodation in Sheffield
Sheffield student accommodation comes out with the lion’s share, so you know how important it is to choose the right student property at the right price. Our average price of Sheffield student housing is around £350 per month, and there is a lot available at much more budget-friendly costs.
Take our 5-bed property available from July at 38 Stalker Lees Road. It’s just a 2-minute walk from the Collegiate Campus, and at £340 per month, fully furnished with fitted kitchen, it’s a no-brainer on cost savings, helping you on the transport budget too. Right now we have an ever-popular Ecclesall Road student property available for less than £100 per week with super-fast fibre-optic broadband, just what you need to get the thesis in on time, order a takeaway or browse a blog whilst being just few feet away from your favourite shops. See also our full guide to Ecclesall Road student houses. Trendy outfits can be a big drain too, so cash-savvy students have a range of charity shops on the doorstep.
So, whether you are after a student apartment in Sheffield complete with double bedrooms, permit-free street parking, a large communal area, or a peaceful Sheffield Hallam student flat, we have it ready and waiting, with your name on it.